Education First

Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani activist for female education and the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize laureate. Awarded when she was 17, she is the world's youngest Nobel Prize laureate, and the second Pakistani and the first Pashtun to ever receive a Nobel Prize.

Ways With Words 

A.    Find the words from the text which mean the following.

    a.    a messenger or representative, especially one on a diplomatic mission
            - envoy
    b.    the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect
            - dignity
    c.    harm done to someone in response to harm
            - revenge
    d.    a person who holds extreme views in political or religious matters
            - extremist
    e.    sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others
            - compassion
    f.    a person who is believed to speak for God
            - prophet
    g.    the study of the nature of knowledge, reality, and existence
            - philosophy
    h.    the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage or destroy
            - violence
    i.     an unreasonable dislike of a particular group of people or things
            - prejudice

B.    Match the words on the left with their opposite meaning on the right.

        honour - disgrace
        innocent - guilty
        brutality - kindness
        forgiveness - punishment
        illiteracy - literacy

C.   Using Dictionary

a.    Study the dictionary entry above and answer these questions.

    i.    What is the headword in the first entry?

            - The headword in the first entry is 'humanity'.

    ii.   How many meanings of the word ‘humanity’ are given?

            - There are four meanings of the word 'humanity' given.

    iii.  What do the abbreviations U, OPP, pl, and sth stand for?

            - The abbreviations stand for:

                U - uncountable nouns

                OPP - opposite meaning

                pl - plural

                sth - something

    iv.  What is the British English spelling of ‘humanize’?

            - The British English spelling of 'humanize' is 'humanise'.

    v.   How is the word ‘humanize’ pronounced?

            - The word 'humanize' is pronounced like /ˈhjuːmənʌɪz/.

    vi.  If we say Every person should have the sense of humanity, which meaning of ‘humanity’ is            applied?

            - If we say Every person should have the sense of humanity, the third meaning of                              'humanity' is applied i.e. the quality of being humane.

b.    Arrange the following words in alphabetical order.

        i.    advance analysis amuse assure allergy attain aid anxiety acute agreement
        -     acute, advance, agreement, aid, allergy, amuse, analysis, anxiety, assure, attain

        ii.   smoke small smart speaking smoothly smuggler smashed smearing smallpox
        -     small, smallpox, smart, smashed, smearing, smelling, smoke, smoothly, smuggler,                speaking

        iii.  terminal terminate terminology termite terms terrace terrible terribly territory terror
         -    terminal, terminate, terminology, termite, terms, terrace, terrible, terribly, territory, terror


Answer the following questions.

a.    Why did the speaker receive thousands of good-wishes cards and gifts from all over the world?
       - The speaker received thousands of fo good-wishes cards and gifts from all over the world because she played a significant role in the betterment of the children deprived of education. She fought against the Taliban who oppressed women from the fundamental right to education.

b.     According to the speaker, what are hundreds of human rights activists and social workers struggling for?
       - According to the speaker, hundreds of human rights activists and social workers struggling to achieve their goals of education, peace, and equality.

c.    What has she learnt from Gandhi?
        - She has learnt the philosophy of non-violence from Gandhi.

d.    In what sense is peace necessary for education?
   - Peace is necessary for education for creating a stress-free and relaxing environment for children to study.

e.    According to the speaker, what are the main problems faced by both men and women?
      - According to the speaker, the main problems faced by both men and women are poverty, ignorance, injustice, racism, and the deprivation of basic rights.

f.    What is Malala calling upon all governments?
        - Malala is calling upon all governments to ensure free compulsory education for every child all over the world.

g.   What is the main message of this speech?
        - The main message of this speech is education is the only weapon against poverty, inequality, terrorism, etc.

 Critical Thinking 

a.   All the children have the right to quality education. How can we ensure this right to every child? Discuss the role of the government and the parents to make sure that every child can attend school.

b.   Do you think that there is still discrimination between sons and daughters in terms of providing education in our country? What strategies do you suggest to overcome such discrimination against girls?

c.   A Chinese philosopher Confucius said, "If your plan is for one year, plant rice; if your plan is for ten years, plant trees; if your plan is for one hundred years, educate children." What is the meaning of this saying? Elaborate this with examples.


Word Class
B.    Classify the underlined word into different word classes.
        a.    The man who is wearing glasses is my uncle's friend.
                who - pronoun
                wearing - verb
                my - determiner

        b.    I bought a round table in the supermarket.
                round - adjective
                the - determiner

        c.    Alas, she is dead.
               Alas - interjection
               is - verb

        d.    Hari works very hard all the time but his wife is very lazy.
                hard - adverb
                but - conjunction
                wife - noun
                very - adverb

        e.    I have never been to Japan.
                never - adverb
                to - preposition 

Notes By Bishal Subedi
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